降落傘標治 唯實散

by ร้านขายยาย่งเชียงตึ๊ง 永昌堂药店 Yong Chieng Pharmacy
Sun, 03 Oct 2010 08:00:00 +0000

Pises Powder Parachute Brand Sulfanilamide, Tannin

Excipient to make 100% is antibacterial use for pus such as pimple wounds, infectious wounds, chronic ulcers, burn cuts, clean the infectious area and apply pises powder 1-2 tims a day. Use for pimples. Clean your face thoroughly, take out the pus from the pimple then apply with pises powder parachute brand. Every night before going to bed. use pises powder apply lightly with a bit clean water to your face to get rid of bacteria. No more pimple.

External used only

降落傘標治 唯實散 Pises Powder Parachute Brand Sulfanilamide, Tannin

Excipient to make 100% is antibacterial use for pus such as p...
降落傘標治 唯實散 Pises Powder Parachute Brand Sulfanilamide, Tannin

Excipient to make 100% is antibacterial use for pus such as p...


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