น้ำตาเทียม Alcon Preservative-free Tears Naturale free lubricant eye drops

by ร้านขายยาย่งเชียงตึ๊ง 永昌堂药店 Yong Chieng Pharmacy
Mon, 28 Dec 2020 08:00:00 +0000

Alcon Preservative-free Tears Naturale free lubricant eye drops re-closable multi-dose vial, more usable doses per vial

Why Lubricant Eye Drops?

Eyes can get dry and irritated due to inadequate tear protection or environmental conditions. Tear Naturale free Lubricant Eye Drops DUASORB formuala combines with your own natural tears and enhances them to provide long-lasting lubrication and soothing protection against dryness.

Why No Preservatives?

The preservatives found in most lubricating eye drops can make sensitive or very irritated eyes feel even worse. That's why Tears Natural Free is preservative free. Gentle relief you can use as often as necessary.



For temporary relief of discomfort due to minor irritations of the eye or to exposure to wind and sun.


Active DUASSORB water soluble polymeric system containing Dextran and Hypromellose

น้ำตาเทียม Alcon Preservative-free Tears Naturale free lubricant eye drops Alcon Preservative-free Tears Naturale free lubr...
น้ำตาเทียม Alcon Preservative-free Tears Naturale free lubricant eye drops Alcon Preservative-free Tears Naturale free lubr...
น้ำตาเทียม Alcon Preservative-free Tears Naturale free lubricant eye drops Alcon Preservative-free Tears Naturale free lubr...
น้ำตาเทียม Alcon Preservative-free Tears Naturale free lubricant eye drops Alcon Preservative-free Tears Naturale free lubr...


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